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2024 JSAS Annual Conference
Born "Free" Generations: Transformations and Engagements in Politics, Development, and Citizenship across Africa-Asia

September 28, 2024
Ritsumeikan University, KYOTO

Call for Papers
--Abstract submission deadline extended to 
August 30, 2024

Date: Saturday, September 28, 2024

Venue: Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campus, 2nd floor, Koshinkan Building

The Japan Society for Afrasian Studies (JSAS) is pleased to announce that we will hold its annual academic conference on September 28, 2024, under the following theme.


“Born "Free" Generations: Transformations and Engagements in Politics, Development, and Citizenship across Africa-Asia”


This year marks a significant milestone, commemorating 30 years since pivotal transformations across Africa, such as the first democratic election in South Africa, the genocide in Rwanda, and pro-multiparty democracy movements across sub-Saharan Africa. Regarding Africa-Asia relations, it has also been 30 years since the 'Bandung Framework for Asia-Africa Cooperation,' a follow-up to the first Tokyo International Conference on African Development.

In 2024, the conference will capture how the youths born after crucial transitions have been taking ownership and advancing the future of the continent, and forging solid partnerships across Africa and Asia. Your collaborative dialogue will be instrumental in providing a platform for in-depth reflections and prospects on the journey of Afrasia, envisioning the generation's unique perspectives on historical transitions, current challenges, and future aspirations.


Among the possible topics that could be addressed at this conference are:

  • Youth Leadership in Social Movements and Activism

  • Decolonization in Education

  • Gen Z in Contemporary Culture and Media

  • Reconciliation and Persistent Inequalities

  • Intersection of Development and Social Justice

  • Global Injustice and Africa's Distinctive Role

  • Africa-Asia diaspora and mobilities

  • Dynamics of Gender and Sexuality Across Africa and Asia

  • Intersecting Identities: Ethnicity, Race, and Nationalisms

  • Community Resilience and the COVID-19 Pandemic


Application Instructions

Those who wish to participate in paper presentations are requested to submit relevant information, including name, affiliation, title of the paper, 4-6 keywords, and a 300-400 word abstract, by word file attachment to:  by August 2, 2024.

The organizing committee will shortlist prospective presenters after carefully reviewing the abstracts.



Regular JSAS Members: 3,000 JPY

Non-members: 3,500 JPY

Special Program only: Free

All students: Free

Conference Dinner: 5,000 JPY


Should you have any questions please write to this email:


Special Program

Africa-Asia by Born Free Generation in Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of Democratization in Republic of South Africa

This year South Africa celebrates the 30th anniversary of the democratic elections held after the abolition of apartheid. South Africa is now in a period of upheaval, with the ruling party, the ANC, winning fewer seats than its majority in the elections at the end of May for the first time since the country's democratization. How do the younger generation born after the country's democratization view South Africa today? What kind of relationship can be built between South Africa and Asia, including Japan? Two young people who were born and raised between the two countries will discuss about it.



Keiichi Shirato (Moderator & Commentator), Yoshiki Ueda, and Neo-Freedom Tsuyama


Plenary Session

Final report on Hitachi Project: “Exploration of Practical Wisdom and Resilience Overcoming Downside Risk: Collecting grassroots voices in Africa under COVID-19”


Kazuyo Hanai and project members


Organizing Committee

Keiichi Shirato(Ritsumeikan University)

Meyu Yamamoto(Ritsumeikan University)

About JSAS

JSAS is a multi-disciplinary research platform for African studies in Japan/Asia and, potentially, for Japanese/Asian studies in Africa. Our focus is the creation of intercultural and intergenerational links to facilitate dialogue among participants on issues affecting Africa and Asia.

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