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Was Ali A. Mazrui Ahead of His Time?


Seifudein Adem


Ali Mazrui was passionate about many things. He loved debates, for instance. He loved controversy. He loved prediction. But his love of prediction was perhaps one aspect of his scholarship which had been remarked upon the least, if at all. Mazrui viewed the whole enterprise of scientific prediction with a good deal of skepticism. Yet he had predicted several events that are significant in global and African terms. We will attempt to assess some of these predictions and show how, retrospectively, he seemed to have been substantially vindicated.

Venue: Zoom

Here is the meeting ID, in case you need it: 852 5031 4121

And the passcode: 983707

This online event will take place on Saturday, May 29th, at 20:00 hours (8:00 PM) Japan Time. Join this month’s presenter, Seifudein Adem, a JSAS Board Member and Journal Editor. Adem Sensei is a Professor at the Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University. He is also the author of Afrasia (2013), with Ali Mazrui.

Come one, come all!!

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