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Revisiting Human Security in Africa

Writer's picture: JSASJSAS

Dear ALL,

Please be informed that a series of side events of TICAD 8 will be organized online. Please take a look and register.

As one of the events, JICA, Afrobarometer and UNDP will co-host an online webinar on:

Revisiting Human Security in Africa

2022/8/23 (Tue)19:30-21:00(JST)


The COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war have destabilized the global economy and precipitated dire socio-economic, financial and governance crises, particularly in developing regions like Africa. Africa is further inflicted by a number of existential threats such as conflict, terrorism, drought, and forced displacement, as well as by those global crises including climate change, the digital divide, and widening inequality and human rights violations, which continue to hamper the realization of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The combined effect of these exogenous shocks has revealed complex and intertwined vulnerabilities and insecurities of people and communities of Africa, including to their lives, livelihood, and dignity which the concept of human security intends to protect. Given the renewed attention to human security among JICA, the UNDP, and the AU in recent times, there is an urgent need to discuss the relevance of the human security concept in Africa as well as how it can be applied on the ground to inform Africa's recovery and resilience-building policies.

Key Questions

How have COVID-19 and other threats affected human security in Africa, as seen from the people’s perspective? Whose security is threatened the most, and in what way? How are they different from the macro-level understandings?

How are people with different capacities and in different circumstances coping with the threats? By which means are people ensuring their own security, and what protection mechanisms and empowerment opportunities are available to them?

What is the value-added of applying the human security approach to understanding ongoing and future challenges and framing recovery strategies in Africa?


Identifying what value-added we can expect from applying the concept of human security to understand the multiple and interconnected challenges people and communities in Africa face

Discussing bottlenecks and opportunities to integrate the human security perspective in Africa's recovery and crisis management strategies toward generating human-centered solutions to the ongoing challenges


Representatives of the African government(s) (TBC)

Representative of AUC (TBC)

Representative of Afrobarometer (TBC)

Representative of UNDP (TBC)

Representative of Africa CDC (TBC)

Prof. MINE Yoichi

Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University and Visiting Fellow, JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development

Mr. KATO Ryuichi

Vice-President, JICA


Managing Director, JICA Ogata Research Institute

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